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Ways You Can Help

There are numerous ways you can help your local foxes and support the work that we do.If you have a regular fox that you think needs help or treating for ailments such as mange, eye infections, sprains etc,. you can get in touch through Facebook messenger using the below button:
(Please be aware the Helpline is open 8am-8pm 7 days a week)

And of course, extremely importantly we are only able to continue the work we do through generous donations from the public.
If you'd like to donate to support us please click the below button:

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Or if you'd like to make a more regular donation, we have launched a £1 a month appeal, where we're asking our followers to set up a standing order for the small amount of £1 a month to support us long term.

Our bank details are as follows:
Sort Code: 08-71-99
Account Number: 49456732

We've just launched our digital fundraising pack if you'd like to do your own sponsored event to raise money for FoxAngels in your own way

Some ideas are: Sponsored walks, Car washing, Dog walking, Quiz nights,
Guess the name of the bear...
and I'm sure you can all think of many more ways as well!

Click below to download our Fundraising pack

© Foxangelsfoundation | Last Site Update 01.01.25 - TW

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